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array (
  0 => 'events',
  1 => 'servejoy',
  2 => '2017-11-08 19:00:00',
  3 => '',
  '_globals' => 
  array (
    'id' => 
       'objectID' => 
         'oid' => '5848808583c3f48b35fb973f',

Serve is the second step in our Life Track, our pathway to partnership (church membership).

At Serve, you’ll discover your gifts and how they fit into the body of Christ. God made you the way you are for a reason, and we want you to serve in the specific way you were designed. Serve class will help you find your purpose at FOL.

If you haven't attended Connect (the first step in our Life Track), please sign up for and attend this class first. Connect is held once a month.

* REQUIRED FOR THIS CLASS: Please pick up a packet of our personality & spiritual gifts tests from the Welcome Center, fill out tests, and bring completed to Serve.