Guest Speaker: Nancy Alcorn

Nancy Alcorn, President of Mercy Multiplied, shares her journey in how God opened up doors that led to the foundation of one of the biggest women's recovery ministries today.
"The vision for Mercy Multiplied was launched in 1983 after Founder and President, Nancy Alcorn, spent eight years working for the government. Realizing that true transformation would never come as the result of any government system, Nancy started the first residential home in West Monroe, Louisiana. Mercy’s Residential Program helps young women ages 13-32 break free from life controlling issues and situations, including anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, eating disorders, self-harm, addictions, unplanned pregnancy, and sex trafficking. These residential services are offered free-of-charge." (About mercy multiplied. Mercy Multiplied. (2022, December 7). Retrieved March 13, 2023, from